Leg cramps while sleeping? It could be caused by these factors

The scientific name of cramp is muscle spasm, which is a kind of muscular spontaneous and rigid contraction. It often occurs in the lower legs and toes, and the pain can last from a few seconds to tens of seconds. It can even wake people up when they have cramps in the middle of the night. Almost everyone experiences leg cramps, everyone's severity is different. Leg cramps are caused by a lack of calcium in the body, cold in the legs and compression of the nerve vessels in the legs. Generally speaking, it is normal for teenagers to have occasional leg cramps because they are at a stage of physical development, their bodies are growing and insufficient calcium supplementation may cause leg cramps. Similarly, adults may also suffer from leg cramps due to lack of exercise and poor diet over a long period of time. Leg cramps are increasingly common in middle-aged people. Many elderly people get leg cramps at night and even with calcium supplements the situation does not get much better.

1. The problem of lumbar vertebrae is that the herniated lumbar intervertebral disc compresses the nerve root, leading to related nerve compression symptoms. In this case, it is recommended to go to the hospital for lumbar spinal MRI to make a clear diagnosis.

2. Myofasciitis caused by long-term hard physical work and excessive exercise will be relieved when the pain is aggravated after exercise and rest. On the whole, it is a strain change. Leg cramps caused by calcium deficiency.

3. A muscle cramp that occurs when you accidentally catch a cold while sleeping, resulting in poor circulation in the leg.



4. Calcium deficiency causes leg cramps. A decrease in the concentration of calcium ions in the blood, which causes the muscles to become overexcited and produce spasmodic contractions. The vast majority of calcium in our body is deposited in our bones and teeth, leaving a small percentage in body fluids and soft tissues, and a decrease in the concentration of calcium ions in the blood can cause leg cramps.

5. In cardiovascular diseases, the poor circulation of the blood in the affected person leads to a lack of blood and oxygen in the local tissues, and the physiological functions are disturbed, making it difficult for calcium ions to be absorbed, which leads to frequent cramps.

6. Excessive fatigue

When traveling long distances and climbing mountains, calf muscles are most prone to fatigue. Because one foot supports the weight of the whole body every time you climb, the muscle of this leg needs six times the weight of a person to lift the foot. When it is tired to a certain extent, it will spasm. Spasm increases resistance to movement, making simple movements difficult to complete.

When young people have leg cramps, they should exercise more and supplement more nutrition. However, they should pay attention to balanced nutrition and keep their legs and bodies warm. Lifestyle is also the most important way to avoid diseases. We must develop good living habits and pay more attention to the health of the elderly.

